Results for 'Christian Gilbert S. Esteban'

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  1. Further Abstracts from the Seventh AUSN-Chulalongkorn Bioethic Workshop.John Weckert, Nilza Maria Diniz, Deborah Kala Perkins, Keith Aiken M. Pajarillo, Aldrin M. Ulep, Angelo D. Fajardo, Christian Gilbert S. Esteban & Hunel Kristian M. Semaña - 2019 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 29 (1):41-44.
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    The Singularity of Christian Ethics.Gilbert Meilaender - 1989 - Journal of Religious Ethics 17 (2):95-120.
    The shape of the moral life is determined for Christians at least in part by beliefs peculiar to Christians, and a perennial problem for Christian ethics is relating that peculiar understanding to more general claims about moral knowledge. Since the problem is perennial, I propose not to solve it but to think about it. I do so by considering first the sense in which Christian ethics may be a kind of "insider's" ethic-the shared language of believers. Despite the (...)
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    La grâce de penser: Hommage à Paul Gilbert.Paul Gilbert & Emmanuel Falque (eds.) - 2011 - Bruxelles: Lessius.
    L'oeuvre du philosophe Paul Gilbert, jésuite belge professeur de métaphysique depuis vingt-cinq ans à l'Université Grégorienne, est considérable et mérite d'être mieux connue. Après avoir étudié les écrits de saint Anselme (Dire l'ineffable, 1984), Paul Gilbert a questionné la métaphysique classique, sous l'influence de la philosophie réflexive (La Simplicité du principe, 1994). Il a ensuite souligné les chances offertes à la réflexion fondamentale par l'analogie, thème classique mais oublié (La Patience d'être, 1996, et Sapere e sperare, 2003). Plus (...)
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    Life's Empty Pack: Notes toward a Literary Daughteronomy.Sandra M. Gilbert - 1985 - Critical Inquiry 11 (3):355-384.
    A definition of [George] Eliot as renunciatory culture-mother may seem an odd preface to a discussion of Silas Marner since, of all her novels, this richly constructed work is the one in which the empty pack of daughterhood appears fullest, the honey of femininity most unpunished. I want to argue, however, that this “legendary tale,” whose status as a schoolroom classic makes it almost as much a textbook as a novel, examines the relationship between woman’s fate and the structure of (...)
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    Things that count: essays moral and theological.Gilbert Meilaender - 2000 - Wilmington, Del.: ISI Books.
    How should we live? What kind of people should we be? What meaning is there in our day-to-day existence? What are the truly important things? We live in turbulent times. Torrents of information, fractured families, and politically correct rhetoric color our understanding of ourselves, each other, and the world. We are sorely in need of moral compasses. In his timely and provocative work, Things That Count, ethicist and theologian Gilbert Meilaender provides us with just such a guide. Whether explicating (...)
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    Constantino y su relación personal con el cristianismo: de la piedad tradicional a la conversión.Esteban Moreno Resano - 2013 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 18:175-200.
    Constantine’s adherence to Christianity was a long process conditioned by personal motivations, as well as cultural and political factors. He observed the heathen cults and he did not recognize himself as a christian until the year 314, in his letter to the bishops met in Arelate. Since 324, after the defeat of Licinius, he declared his faith in the One and Only True God in different official texts. He resolved to receive the baptism a few days before his death, (...)
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    Josef Pieper: Explorations in the Thought of a Philosopher of Virtue.Gilbert Meilaender & Gilbert Meilander - 1983 - Journal of Religious Ethics 11 (1):114 - 134.
    In a time of intensified interest in an "ethic of virtue," Josef Pieper stands out as one who has pondered and written about the virtues for many years. This paper explores some aspects of Pieper's thought about the virtues and focuses especially on four problems: (1) the question of the unity of the virtues; (2) the relation between natural and theological virtues; (3) the dangers for Christian ethics of picturing virtue as habitual; and (4) the question whether virtue needs (...)
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  8.  33
    Against Consensus: Christians and Public Bioethics.Gilbert Meilaender - 2005 - Studies in Christian Ethics 18 (1):75-88.
    The author suggests that Christian participation in public policy deliberations about bioethical issues may be helped by structures which do not require the search for consensus (or, in particular, the kind of ‘overlapping consensus’ favoured by Rawlsians) on policy. This argument is made, first, by a general discussion of the place of religious visions within public discourse and, second, by an examination of the structure and some of the reports of the President’s Council on Bioethics (USA).
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  9. Humanist Essays.Gilbert Murray - 2013 - Routledge.
    First published in 1964, this is a short collection of both literary and philosophical essays. Whilst two essays consider Greek literature written at the point at which the Athenian empire was breaking apart, another group explore the background from which Christianity arose, considering Paganism and the religious philosophy at the time of Christ. These, in particular, display Gilbert Murray’s ‘profound belief in ethics and disbelief in all revelational religions’ as well as his conviction that the roots of our society (...)
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    An Ecumenism of Time.Gilbert Meilaender - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (2):87-99.
    This essay considers what it means to work within and attempt to retrieve aspects of a tradition of thought, in particular, the Christian tradition. Doing so places us in close proximity to certain conversation partners, but it does so without closing off possible enrichment from those who do not share our tradition. Perhaps the most critical issue involves freedom—that is, whether retrieving one's tradition undermines our own freedom or our recognition of God's. As an illustration of thinking within the (...)
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    The Taste for the Other: The Social and Ethical Thought of C. S. Lewis.Gilbert Meilaender - 1978 - William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
    Offers a coherent, critical account of the theological visions that Lewis develops throughout his work, providing a unified introduction to his theology and an understanding of key social and ethical themes that have made him so influential. Works discussed include The Screwtape Letters, Surprised by Joy, and The Horse and His Boy. First published in 1978, this edition contains a new preface by the author, noting recent scholarship. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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  12.  21
    Toward A Nonimperialistic JRE: A Response to Ronald M. Green's Review of the "Journal of Religious Ethics".Gilbert Meilaender - 1997 - Journal of Religious Ethics 25 (3):269 - 273.
    The text in which the original JRE editors announced the mission of their newly launched scholarly journal is susceptible to different readings. While Ronald Green has interpreted it as an intention to "effect" a "movement from Christian ethics to religious ethics," the author expresses doubt that any such general framework of "religious ethics" can be discerned in or imposed on distinctive religious traditions. He suggests that the problem of "parochialism and Western bias" is best addressed not through the imperialism (...)
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    De regno O el trastorno tomista de la universalidad política.Rafael Esteban Gutiérrez Lopera - 2021 - Universitas Philosophica 38 (76):113-137.
    This study deals with the transformations of a number of topics of Aristotelian political philosophy provoked by their crossing with the Augustinian interpretation of Christian doctrine, promoted by Thomas Aquinas in his Treatise on the Kingdom. The following is a review of the place of the universality of politics in Aquinas’s text, which in Aristotle’s philosophy was linked to political naturalism and that in Thomist reception seems to tend towards a supernatural and divine scenario. In order to evaluate this (...)
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  14. Qu'est-ce que la responsabilité ?Christian Nadeau & Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette - 2024 - Paris: Vrin.
    Être responsable de notre conduite passée, c’est, en un sens, devoir en répondre. Cela signifie d’accepter qu’on en est l’auteur, à titre d’individu ou de membre d’un groupe. Mais cela implique aussi de devoir la défendre, c’est-à-dire de la justifier si possible ou de l’excuser et parfois d’en accepter les conséquences négatives. Bref, si nous sommes responsables, c’est que nous sommes concernés et que nous devons réagir. À la difficulté psychologique de cette prise de responsabilité s’ajoutent des défis intellectuels majeurs. (...)
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    The Oxford handbook of theological ethics.Gilbert Meilaender & William Werpehowski (eds.) - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Oxford Handbooks series is a major new initiative in academic publishing. Each volume offers an authoritative and up-to-date survey of original research in a particular subject area. Specially commissioned essays from leading figures in the discipline give critical examinations of the progress and direction of debates. The Oxford Handbook of Theological Ethics offers the most authoritative and compelling guide to the discipline. Thirty of the world's most distinguished specialists provide new essays in order to offer a survey of and (...)
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    "Spirituality": "Weasel-Word" or Gateway to New Understanding?Peter Gilbert - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (3):197-199.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"Spirituality":"Weasel-Word" or Gateway to New Understanding?Peter Gilbert (bio)Keywordsspirituality, faith communities, NIMHEVisiting the Samuel Palmer Exhibition at the British Museum, I was struck, not only by the spiritual power of the paintings, especially in the late Shoreham period such as, my favorite: The Magic Apple Tree (circa 1830)—but how Palmer appeared to bring both Christian and Pantheistic themes into his work. The museum's exhibition collator remarks that Palmer (...)
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  17. Early Carthusian Script and Silence.Bennett Gilbert - 2014 - Cistercian Studies Quarterly 49 (3):367-397.
    At its founding and during its first three decades, the Carthusian order developed a distinctive and forceful concept of communication among the members and between the members and the extramural world.2 Saint Bruno’s life, contemporary twelfth-century exegesis, and the physical situation of La Grande Chartreuse established the necessary context in which this concept evolved. A review of historical background, the relevant documentary texts, and early development demonstrate the shaping of two steps in this concept. Close reading of the principal testimonies (...)
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    "Veritatis Splendor": Reopening Some Questions of the Reformation.Gilbert Meilaender - 1995 - Journal of Religious Ethics 23 (2):225 - 238.
    The papal encyclical "Veritatis Splendor", issued in 1993, treats in detail important questions of moral theory and is clearly an important moment in the history of Christian ethics. Supporters and critics of the encyclical have tended to focus attention upon its defense of an objectively true morality and its contention that some acts are intrinsically evil. This discussion overlooks questions that one might address to the encyclical from the perspective of the Reformation. The most fundamental of these is the (...)
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    Dragon in Children Imagination in Regard with the Anthropological Structures of the Imaginary in Gilbert Durand.Raymond Laprée, Jacques Cherblanc & Christiane Bergeron-Leclerc - 2022 - Iris 42.
    This article intends to show the topicality of the dragon theme among children in Quebec, first of all from a study of cultural productions (books and films) intended for them, but also from an analysis of anthropological tests (AT.9s) completed by 194 children aged 6 to 12 years between 2009 and 2019. This analysis of the AT.9s, contextualized by that of the children’s surrounding culture, allows us to conclude that the theme of the dragon persists, that there is a plurality (...)
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  20. Comment in favor of Susan Gubar's' What Ails Feminist Criticism?'.S. M. Gilbert - 1999 - Critical Inquiry 25 (2):400-401.
  21. Street-Crime Victim Compensation, Retributive Justice, and Social-Contract Theory.Gilbert S. Fell - 1991 - In Diane Sank & David I. Caplan, To Be a Victim: Encounters with Crime and Injustice. Plenum. pp. 87.
  22. L'affectio in Anselmo d'Aosta.S. J. Paul Gilbert - 2014 - In Alfredo Simón, Conoscenza ed affectus in Anselmo d'Aosta: atti del simposio internazionale in occasione del 900° anniversario dalla morte di S. Anselmo d'Aosta, Facoltà di filosofia del Pontificio Ateneo di Sant'Anselmo di Roma, 21-22 aprile 2009. Roma: Pontificio Ateneo Sant'Anselmo.
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    De la phénoménologie descriptive à la phénoménologie spéculative. Apports de la phénoménologie à la théologie chrétienne.S. J. Gilbert - 2020 - Isidorianum 28 (56):165-185.
    El artículo estudia cómo la fenomenología puede contribuir al quehacer teológico. A tal fin, el prof. Gilbert comienza por identificar los inicios de la fenomenología. Seguidamente, presenta lo que él denomina fenomenología “descriptiva”, marcada por las ciencias humanas, que sirvió para reconocer las características esenciales de la religión. Pero la fenomenología puede dar un paso más, ya estrictamente filosófico, para elaborar un modo de fenomenología “especulativa”. Finalmente, el artículo indica las aportaciones de esta esta fenomenológica al desarrollo de la (...)
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    Paradigm shifts in neural induction.S. F. Gilbert - 1999 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 53 (3-4):555-579.
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    Ethics, Human Oocytes and the Teleology of the Body: An Appreciation of Gilbert Meilaender’s Work.Paul Lauritzen - 2017 - Studies in Christian Ethics 30 (2):133-143.
    Gilbert Meilaender has been an important contributor to the field of bioethics for decades. His insistence that there is a natural teleology of the body that should constrain ambitions of the will in bioethics deserves careful attention. This article examines the idea of a natural teleology of the body as it applies to human oocytes. It argues that approaching human eggs in terms of their telos rather than their moral status is useful. The article examines how Meilaender deploys the (...)
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  26. The invisible hand in medical education.S. Gilbert - forthcoming - Bioethics Forum.
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    Finitude, Freedom and Biomedicine: An Engagement with Gilbert Meilaender’s Bioethics.Gerald McKenny - 2017 - Studies in Christian Ethics 30 (2):148-157.
    A fundamental theme in Gilbert Meilaender’s work on bioethical issues is the relationship between the ethical claims of finitude and of freedom. This article identifies two ways in which Meilaender articulates this relationship and proposes a third way which avoids the limitations of the first two ways while serving Meilaender’s purpose, which is to redress what he sees as an imbalance in favor of the claims of freedom over those of finitude in contemporary biomedicine and bioethics. The article ends (...)
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    Gilbert Meilaender and the Tragedy of Biological Individualism.David H. Smith - 2017 - Studies in Christian Ethics 30 (2):144-147.
    This article provides a friendly criticism of Meilaender’s positions on the beginning of life and decision making at the end of life. It is argued that his version of the self is narrowly physicalist and individualist with no room for the essentially social and psychological parts of identity or selfhood. That in turn leads to his rigoristic or tutioristic judgments on end of life care.
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    The Self as a Center of Ethical Gravity: A Constructive Dialogue Between Søren Kierkegaard and George Herbert Mead.Christian Hjortkjær & Søren Willert - 2013 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2013 (1):451-472.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook Jahrgang: 2013 Heft: 1 Seiten: 451-472.
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    Foucault: Rethinking the Notions of State and Government.Christian Bryan S. Bustamante - 2014 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 15 (1):63-87.
    This paper explores the political thought of Michel Foucault, which is anchored on his philosophy of subjectivation or the transformation of individuals into subjects. It presents his ideas of the State from the point of view of specific strategies and practices of power used in the transformation of individuals into subjects. It also presents his analysis of government as an organization that looks after the achievement of individual's goals and interests. The goal of government is not to achieve the common (...)
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    Political Life under God: Some Questions for Gilbert Meilaender.William Werpehowski - 2017 - Studies in Christian Ethics 30 (2):189-198.
    How do Christian beliefs about human nature and destiny set possibilities for and limits to our political aspirations and goals? Specifically, what is the proper relation between a theology of creation and soteriology in Christian political ethics? This article considers these questions through an interpretation of the development of Gilbert Meilaender’s political thought. It concludes with some questions about that development as it stands, as well as from the standpoint of salient themes in Roman Catholic social teaching.
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  32. Expertise: A Practical Explication.Christian Quast - 2018 - Topoi 37 (1):11-27.
    In this paper I will introduce a practical explication for the notion of expertise. At first, I motivate this attempt by taking a look on recent debates which display great disagreement about whether and how to define expertise in the first place. After that I will introduce the methodology of practical explications in the spirit of Edward Craig’s Knowledge and the state of nature along with some conditions of adequacy taken from ordinary and scientific language. This eventually culminates in the (...)
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  33. Christianity and Consequentialism.James A. Keller - 1989 - Faith and Philosophy 6 (2):198-206.
    In a recent paper, Gilbert Meilaender argues that Christian ethics must not be consequentialist. Though Meilaender does indicate some problems which may exist with certain consequentialist theories, those problems do not exclude all types of consequentialist theories from consideration as Christian ethical theories. A consequentialism like R. M. Hare’s offers virtually all the advantages Meilaender claims for his Christian deontological view. Moreover. Meilaender has overlooked certain advantages of consequentialism and certain disadvantages of the sort of deontological (...)
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  34. A comprehensive update on CIDO: the community-based coronavirus infectious disease ontology.Yongqun He, Hong Yu, Anthony Huffman, Asiyah Yu Lin, Darren A. Natale, John Beverley, Ling Zheng, Yehoshua Perl, Zhigang Wang, Yingtong Liu, Edison Ong, Yang Wang, Philip Huang, Long Tran, Jinyang Du, Zalan Shah, Easheta Shah, Roshan Desai, Hsin-hui Huang, Yujia Tian, Eric Merrell, William D. Duncan, Sivaram Arabandi, Lynn M. Schriml, Jie Zheng, Anna Maria Masci, Liwei Wang, Hongfang Liu, Fatima Zohra Smaili, Robert Hoehndorf, Zoë May Pendlington, Paola Roncaglia, Xianwei Ye, Jiangan Xie, Yi-Wei Tang, Xiaolin Yang, Suyuan Peng, Luxia Zhang, Luonan Chen, Junguk Hur, Gilbert S. Omenn, Brian Athey & Barry Smith - 2022 - Journal of Biomedical Semantics 13 (1):25.
    The current COVID-19 pandemic and the previous SARS/MERS outbreaks of 2003 and 2012 have resulted in a series of major global public health crises. We argue that in the interest of developing effective and safe vaccines and drugs and to better understand coronaviruses and associated disease mechenisms it is necessary to integrate the large and exponentially growing body of heterogeneous coronavirus data. Ontologies play an important role in standard-based knowledge and data representation, integration, sharing, and analysis. Accordingly, we initiated the (...)
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  35. How to Overstretch the Ethics-Epistemology Analogy: Berker’s Critique of Epistemic Consequentialism.Christian Piller - 2016 - In Martin Grajner & Pedro Schmechtig, Epistemic Reasons, Epistemic Norms, Epistemic Goals. De Gruyter. pp. 307-322.
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    Gilbert Ryle: Philosophical Papers : a Collection of Articles Written by Gilbert Ryle During the Period 1929-1959.Gilbert Ryle & R. S. Meyer - 1963 - University of South Africa.
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  37. CIDO, a community-based ontology for coronavirus disease knowledge and data integration, sharing, and analysis.Oliver He, John Beverley, Gilbert S. Omenn, Barry Smith, Brian Athey, Luonan Chen, Xiaolin Yang, Junguk Hur, Hsin-hui Huang, Anthony Huffman, Yingtong Liu, Yang Wang, Edison Ong & Hong Yu - 2020 - Scientific Data 181 (7):5.
    Ontologies, as the term is used in informatics, are structured vocabularies comprised of human- and computer-interpretable terms and relations that represent entities and relationships. Within informatics fields, ontologies play an important role in knowledge and data standardization, representation, integra- tion, sharing and analysis. They have also become a foundation of artificial intelligence (AI) research. In what follows, we outline the Coronavirus Infectious Disease Ontology (CIDO), which covers multiple areas in the domain of coronavirus diseases, including etiology, transmission, epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, (...)
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  38. The burden of normality: from 'chronically ill' to 'symptom free'. New ethical challenges for deep brain stimulation postoperative treatment.Frederic Gilbert - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (7):408-412.
    Although an invasive medical intervention, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) has been regarded as an efficient and safe treatment of Parkinson’s disease for the last 20 years. In terms of clinical ethics, it is worth asking whether the use of DBS may have unanticipated negative effects similar to those associated with other types of psychosurgery. Clinical studies of epileptic patients who have undergone an anterior temporal lobectomy have identified a range of side effects and complications in a number of domains: psychological, (...)
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    Editor’s Introduction: What is Film Phenomenology?Christian Ferencz-Flatz & Julian Hanich - 2016 - Studia Phaenomenologica 16:11-61.
  40. Mattel, Lead Paint, and Magnets: Ethics and Supply Chain Management.Joel Wisner & Joseph Gilbert - 2010 - Ethics and Behavior 20 (1):33-46.
    Over a period of 19 months in 2006 and 2007, Mattel recalled approximately 14 million toys. The company was subjected to numerous lawsuits and regulatory actions and suffered severe damage to its reputation. Two issues were involved: excessive levels of lead in numerous toy surface paints and small detachable magnets in some toys, which could be swallowed. An examination of the facts shows that two different ethical situations were involved—one concerning product design and the other concerning manufacturing practices of Mattel's (...)
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  41. CIDO: The Community-Based Coronavirus Infectious Disease Ontology.Yongqun He, Hong Yu, Edison Ong, Yang Wang, Yingtong Liu, Anthony Huffman, Hsin-hui Huang, Beverley John, Asiyah Yu Lin, Duncan William D., Sivaram Arabandi, Jiangan Xie, Junguk Hur, Xiaolin Yang, Luonan Chen, Gilbert S. Omenn, Brian Athey & Barry Smith - 2021 - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies (ICBO) and 10th Workshop on Ontologies and Data in Life Sciences (ODLS).
    Current COVID-19 pandemic and previous SARS/MERS outbreaks have caused a series of major crises to global public health. We must integrate the large and exponentially growing amount of heterogeneous coronavirus data to better understand coronaviruses and associated disease mechanisms, in the interest of developing effective and safe vaccines and drugs. Ontologies have emerged to play an important role in standard knowledge and data representation, integration, sharing, and analysis. We have initiated the development of the community-based Coronavirus Infectious Disease Ontology (CIDO). (...)
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    The Meaning of Evolution.The First Principles of Evolution.William K. Wright, Samuel Christian Schmucker & S. Herbert - 1914 - Philosophical Review 23 (1):86.
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    L'un et l'autre dans la cité d'Aristote.Gilbert Romeyer-Dherbey - 2005 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 130 (2):191.
    Pour Aristote, la Cité commence lorsque les hommes qui la composent passent de la multiplicité quantitative à la diversité qualitative, c'est-à-dire qu'elle naît avec la différence. Cette différenciation est analysée principalement au niveau des formes de commandement et de la justice. Dès lors, on comprend qu'Aristote soit conduit à une critique radicale de la conception platonicienne de la Cité, laquelle doit manifester le plus haut degré possible d'unification. Cette critique se résume dans le rejet très argumenté de la mise en (...)
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    Schelling und die historische Theologie des 19. Jahrhunderts.Christian Danz (ed.) - 2013 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: This volume looks at the so far little studied connections between the philosophy of Schelling and the historiographic waves in theological, philosophical and historical discourse during the first half of the 19th century. The reception of Schelling in theology, philosophy and history relates primarily to his writings around 1800. The essays in this volume firstly analyze the considerable impact that these texts had on the structure of contemporary debate. Secondly, they analyze the interdependence of the historical theology that (...)
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    The radical fool of capitalism: on Jeremy Bentham, the Panopticon, and the Auto-icon.Christian Welzbacher - 2018 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    A fresh interpretation of Jeremy Bentham, finding that his “radical foolery” embodied a social ethics that was revolutionary for its time. Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832) is best remembered today as the founder of utilitarianism (a philosophy infamously abused by the Victorians) and the conceiver of the Panopticon, the circular prison house in which all prisoners could be seen by an unseen observer—later seized upon by Michel Foucault as the apotheosis of the neoliberal control society. In this volume in the Untimely Meditation (...)
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  46. A new framework for host-pathogen interaction research.Hong Yu, Li Li, Anthony Huffman, John Beverley, Junguk Hur, Eric Merrell, Hsin-hui Huang, Yang Wang, Yingtong Liu, Edison Ong, Liang Cheng, Tao Zeng, Jingsong Zhang, Pengpai Li, Zhiping Liu, Zhigang Wang, Xiangyan Zhang, Xianwei Ye, Samuel K. Handelman, Jonathan Sexton, Kathryn Eaton, Gerry Higgins, Gilbert S. Omenn, Brian Athey, Barry Smith, Luonan Chen & Yongqun He - 2022 - Frontiers in Immunology 13.
    COVID-19 often manifests with different outcomes in different patients, highlighting the complexity of the host-pathogen interactions involved in manifestations of the disease at the molecular and cellular levels. In this paper, we propose a set of postulates and a framework for systematically understanding complex molecular host-pathogen interaction networks. Specifically, we first propose four host-pathogen interaction (HPI) postulates as the basis for understanding molecular and cellular host-pathogen interactions and their relations to disease outcomes. These four postulates cover the evolutionary dispositions involved (...)
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  47. Group wrongs and guilt feelings.Margaret Gilbert - 1997 - The Journal of Ethics 1 (1):65-84.
    Can it ever be appropriate to feel guilt just because one's group has acted badly? Some say no, citing supposed features of guilt feelings as such. If one understands group action according to my plural subject account of groups, however, one can argue for the appropriateness of feeling guilt just because one's group has acted badly - a feeling that often occurs. In so arguing I sketch a plural subject account of groups, group intentions and group actions: for a group (...)
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    El problema Del antiperfeccionismo en el liberalismo de Carlos S. Nino.Gustavo A. Beade & Christian Albrechts - 2011 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 35.
    El liberalismo de Carlos S. Nino evolucionó desde sus primeros trabajos vinculados al derecho penal, hacia la construcción de una teoría de la democracia deliberativa. Desde sus comienzos, siguiendo a los autores liberales clásicos como John Stuart Mill, hasta el final en donde adhirió a un liberalismo igualitario, hubo construcciones que acompañaron este proceso, como el concepto de autonomía personal, y también ciertos ideales morales, como un oposición concreta al perfeccionismo. El texto presenta al liberalismo de Nino al comienzo y (...)
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    Do our actions make any difference in wrong life?: Adorno on moral facts and moral dilemmas.Christian Skirke - 2008 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 34 (7):737-758.
    Adorno's moral philosophy has often been accused of making aporetic prescriptions that are too taxing for moral agents. In this article, I defend his approach in terms of a theory of moral dilemmas. My guideline is Adorno's famous sentence that wrong life cannot be lived rightly. I argue that this claim is not distinctly prescriptive, as most of Adorno's critics believe, but is a claim about moral reality. Emphasizing realist aspects of his moral theory, I suggest that wrong life is (...)
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  50.  18
    Kleine Kontroversschriften mit Joachim Lange und Johann Franz Budde.Christian Wolff, Jean Ecole, Joachim Lange & Joannes Franciscus Buddeus (eds.) - 1724 - New York: G. Olms.
    Des Herrn Doct. und Prof. Joachim Langens, oder, Der Theologischen Facultaet zu Halle Anmerckungen über des Herrn Hoff-Raths und Professor Christian Wolffens Metaphysicam ... nebst beygefügter Hr. Hoff-R. und Prof. Christian Wolffens gründlicher Antwort -- Herrn D. Joh. Francisci Buddei S.S. Theol. P.P.O. zu Jena Bedencken über die Wolffianische Philosophie, mit Anmerckungen erläutert von Christian Wolffen.
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